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General presentation of the event
Introduction of the event
Invitation from the President of ICID
Invitation from the President of AFEID
Invitation from the President of the Scientific and Technical Committee
Scientific Committee - Organizing Committee
ICID 66th IEC and previous meetings
Venue and access
Visa information
Conference Program
THEMES DRIP / REUSE / GOUV (12-13/10/2015)
Workshop "Water ressource quantitative management under climat change : the French Mediterranean case" (AERMC ws) (12/10/2015)
Workshop “Non-Structural Adaptations to Flood Management” (WG CAFM ws) (12/10/2015)
Workshop "Future of drainage under environmental challenges and emerging technologies” (WG SDG) (13/10/2015)
Workshop "History of water crisis, old and recent issues” (WG HIST ws)(13/10/2015)
Round Table "Waste water reuse in agriculture" (REUSE ws) (13/10/2015)
Workshop "Precision Irrigation" (WG CROP ws) (13-14/10/2015)
Workshop "Ecosystem Services and Multi-Functionality of Irrigation and Drainage Systems" (WG ENV ws)(14/10/2015)
Workshop "Irrigation and Energy" (Irr&Energy ws) (14/10/2015)
Workshop "Public-Private Partnerships" (PPP ws) (15/10/2015)
L'étang de Montady Technical Tour (14/10/2015)
NOWMMA technical tour (14/10/2015)
IRSTEA Experimental Platform technical tour (14/10/2015)
Gignac technical tour (14/10/2015)
Technical tour on a collective irrigation network (16/10/2015)
Touristic tour St Guilhem Le Désert (12/10/2015)
Touristic tour Carcassonne (13/10/2015)
Touristic tour Aigues Mortes (14/10/2015)
Touristic Visit Montpellier (14/10/2015)
Gala Dinner (14/10/2015)
Touristic tour Nîmes/Gard (15/10/2015)
Touristic tour Sète (16/10/2015)
Touristic weekend (17-18/10/2015)
Business Program
IFC Sahel Business Meeting
List of Exhibitors
Access to communications
Articles and Posters by session
Articles and Posters by speaker
Oral presentations
Video and Audio Files
Participant List
Conference Photos
Articles in Press
Other linked events
Colloquium : Water Tensions in Europe and in the Mediterranean: water crisis by 2050 ? 7-9/10/2015
Training Workshop "SALTMED - Managing irrigation with fresh and saline water using the SALTMED model as a management tool" (12/10/2015)
Training "Advanced participatory methods for changing water management & governance" (16/10/2015)
COP 21
ICID2015 Program Book in French
ICID2015 Program Book (en English)
Booklet (in french)
Booklet (in english)
Call for papers (26th ERC / 3 main themes)
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